People & Business

Six SCF Employees Receive National Leadership Excellence Awards

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September 18, 2020 – Bradenton

State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (SCF) congratulates six faculty and staff members who have received leadership excellence awards from the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD). Gary Baker, director, online learning; Jennifer Boris, workforce education outreach specialist; Hyun Kim, department chair, humanities, visual and performing arts; Robin Rogers, associate professor, language and literature; Craig Smith, instructor, theatre; and Eric Warrick, associate professor, natural science, all received NISOD Excellence Awards.

NISOD is an organization committed to promoting excellence in teaching, learning and leadership. The organization began its excellence award program in 1978 to recognize exemplary faculty, staff and administrators at community colleges across the country.

“Nominated and chosen by their colleagues, these honorees exemplify the commitment, talents, teaching and service that constitute the outstanding character and quality of our SCF family,” said Dr. Todd G. Fritch, executive vice president and provost for SCF.

SCF employees nominate their peers based on their work during the year. The previous year’s NISOD winners  evaluate the applications and choose the winners. NISOD Excellence Award winners have shown a proven commitment to professional development and have improved the college through their endeavors.

SCF is proud to employ outstanding faculty and staff who create a college community where students receive an excellent education while benefitting from the full college experience. For information about employment opportunities at SCF, visit

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