Health & Wellness

What is Restless Leg Syndrome

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By Dr. Federico Richter MD. RPhS DABVLM | June 2022

Do you feel the urge to move your legs that is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations? You might be suffering from Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). 

Restless Leg Syndrome is a condition marked by unpleasant leg sensations at bedtime and can frequently lead to insomnia. Some words used to describe these sensations include creeping, itching, pulling, creepy-crawly, tugging, cramping or gnawing.

The cause of Restless Leg Syndrome is unknown in most individuals, but many conditions have been associated with it, including low dopamine in the brain and/or iron insufficiency. This condition often responds rapidly to Endo Venous Laser Treatment (EVLT) and sclerotherapy, a procedure that includes injecting a sclerosant solution to close the veins. Both treatments consist of outpatient procedures with no down time. 

RLS is also common in patients with both saphenous and reticular varicose vein disease (unsightly veins). This subpopulation of RLS sufferers should be considered as a possible cause to undergo a phlebological evaluation of venous insufficiency.

Correctly diagnosing vein disease involves a review of the patient’s history of symptoms, physical examination, and a duplex ultrasound of the veins. The duplex ultrasound exam can help identify the presence of reflux and its location, as well as determine the patency of the deep and superficial venous systems. The leg is examined from the groin down to the ankle. 

“Often, when you send a patient for an ultrasound evaluation for venous disease, the technician mistakenly has the patient lie down. This occurs because many technicians are trained to look for deep vein disease; however, this positioning will result in an inadequate exam, and superficial venous insufficiency won’t be diagnosed. It’s important to send patients to a specialized vein center, as their sonographers and doctors are trained to detect venous insufficiency and can diagnose it with more accuracy.”

Furthermore, correction of the vein reflux provides long-term and likely permanent relief of symptoms before being consigned to chronic drug therapy with potential side effects.

Studies show that the treatment of venous insufficiency often relieves symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. According to a study in the journal of Phlebology, among patients experiencing Restless Leg Syndrome and venous insufficiency, 98% of them experienced relief from Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms by treating their venous insufficiency, and 80% had long term relief. 

Florida Vein Center
Federico Richter MD. RPhS DABVLM
6050-A 53rd Ave E
Bradenton, FL 34203
(941) 907-3400

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