People & Business

The Players Centre for Performing Arts Reaches GuideStar’s Highest Seal of Transparency

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The Players Centre for Performing Arts has earned the 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, a service of Candid. The Players Centre is sharing metrics that highlight the progress it has made toward its mission through GuideStar, helping donors move beyond traditional ways of nonprofit evaluation and achieve a greater understanding of its impact.

“In alignment with our strategic plan and vision for our future,” said Morgan Gerhart, Advancement Director, “we are excited to convey our organization’s results in a user-friendly, accessible, and highly visual manner. By updating our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile to the Platinum level, we can now easily share a wealth of up-to-date organizational metrics with our supporters as well as GuideStar’s immense online audience, which includes donors, grant makers, our peers, and the media.”

To reach the Platinum level, The Players Centre for Performing Arts added extensive information to its Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; qualitative information about goals, strategies, and capabilities; and quantitative information about results and progress toward its mission. By taking the time to provide this information, The Players Centre has demonstrated its commitment to transparency and to giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate nonprofit performance.

As a community theatre, there are common misconceptions about our mission and the impact we have. So much of our work truly goes on ‘behind the scenes.’ Through the GuideStar process, we are better able to provide a more in-depth picture of our organization and share not only the outcomes we track but the human stories behind them.

“I encourage you to visit our profile on GuideStar to see what we’re all about,” added Gerhart. “We’re thrilled that our GuideStar Platinum Nonprofit Profile and its associated benefits help us better communicate our organization’s exciting initiatives to a wider audience.”

Only 10,000 organizations have reached this level nationwide, those include such nonprofits as March of Dimes, Goodwill, Girls Inc. Audubon and Charity: Water.

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