People & Business

The Latest Breakthrough in Lighting Technology, Human Centric Lighting, is being Featured by SmartHouse Integration

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The latest advancements in lighting called, Human Centric lighting, is now available in Sarasota. SmartHouse Integration, a home automation and integration company, is demonstrating the latest in lighting technology from Lutron at an invitation-only event this week.
“We are so excited to demonstrate this new lighting technology from Lutron” states Mark van den Broek, CEO of SmartHouse Integration. “Today, we can offer a lighting solution that allows you to tune your lighting for your specific needs. Homeowners have choices that were never before available. Now, each light can be tuned to create a wide range of colors, temperatures and different whites. This feature allows you to customize each area of your home.”
The art community is flocking to this technology because each light can be perfectly tuned for the piece it is illuminating. “Now your art can be displayed exactly as the artist intended” adds van den Broek. SmartHouse is working with a client right now to install lighting for an extensive private art collection.
Mark and his team have won numerous national awards for their lighting designs. Combining their capabilities with this new technology will ensure they remain at the top of their industry. “It’s a game changer for lighting” adds van den Broek. “We are looking forward to working with top designers and architects in getting this lighting to their clients”.

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