Scene Snaps

Scene Snaps: High Design & Collectibles

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March 2022— This month, readers share treasured collectibles and the memories they hold.

Among Evan Duke’s collectible treasures are vintage pocket watches and an historic ticker tape machine. Submitted by Shannon Maloney, who explains, “Before the internet, tickers provided important stock market information. This stock ticker was designed by Thomas Edison as an improvement to the tickers used by the Gold & Stock Telegraph Company. You may have seen one of these tickers in The Addams Family (used in numerous episodes by Gomez) and the movie Annie (used by Daddy Warbucks).”

Kenney DeCamp treasures the more than 100 medals and pins he received as gifts while traveling overseas on 5 trips during the early ‘90s as a guest lecturer and performer.

Scott Anderson purchased a box of old records and to his delight discovered a playable early record by Thomas Edison. Titled “Let Us Not Forget,” it features “A Message to the American People” about peace.

He also treasures the large collection of political and other pins started by his Great Grandmother, Antoinette Vlasak Warak. 

Additional keepsakes are “brides’ baskets” from his Great Great Grandparents, Katerina Kucera and Joseph Vlasak, and Great Grandparents, Frantisek Warak and Antoinette Vlasak.

Lauri Candee collects antique post cards and antique candy boxes. “A dear friend of my mother’s started me on both collections. She gave me my first postcards when I was 8 years old and at home recovering from mononucleosis. She gave me my first candy box at my bridal shower, since my new married name was going to be Candee. I have been collecting both ever since.”

Join us! Enter before March 10 for the theme:
Sarasota Past & Present

In April, Sarasota Scene will toast its 65th anniversary. Have you been in Sarasota a long time? 

What’s your favorite thing about this town? Share with us your memories, both past and present. 

Send photos to by March 10.

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