Scene Snaps

Scene Snaps: Boomer Nostalgia

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July/August 2021—Sarasota Scene readers dug through old photo albums—remember those?—and found nostalgic moments and fond memories to share. Enjoy!

Margaret Hayes was maid of honor for her cousin Luann Valvo Normandia in 1977; the next year Margaret attended her nursing pinning with her father, Anthony Amato.

Sherri (Hardcastle) Covey says, “My father (Jim Hardcastle) was the county sheriff when I was a child in Sarasota. This photo was taken at the Fraternal Order of Police hall during the general election night returns 1980. It was a terrific night as you can see.”

Judy Haran at 4 years old. She says, “I never outgrew the love of horses. I still have one now, 70 years later.”

Michael Klauber, Chef Charlie Brown, and the staff at Michael’s On East welcomed the public at their grand opening—April 27, 1987.

In 1962, Mrs. Wayne Moore, center, and the Junior Welfare League (now the Junior League of Sarasota) accepted a check from Mrs. Ernest Sears, left, and Mrs. Gordon Palmer, right, to furnish the new Sarasota Day Nursery (now Children First). This year, Children First celebrates its 60th anniversary.

Tom Norton horses around with his younger brother, Paul, in June 1969, right before heading off to Vietnam for a 1 year tour as an Airborne Radio Operator in the U.S. Air Force Security Service. Fortunately, he returned home with only minor injuries and was discharged a few months later.

Dr. Anila Jain as a child in New Delhi, India, with her mother, Dr. Mona Jain.

Herb Ruderman’s parents’ wedding photo, circa 1925.

Michelle Crabtree (right)with girlfriends, Jody Wadrick, and Lisa Johnson in Pine View School. 

Michelle’s mother, Paulette Vitrier, as a model at Bazaar on St. Armands Circle. 

Laura Dietz shared this 4-generation photo circa 1942. Toddler Ardys Thompson (Laura’s mother) is holding a doll, accompanied by mother Clementine Hanson, grandmother Dorothy Smith, and great grandmother “Grandma Coty.” Laura says mom Ardys is “still with us and living in Sarasota.”

Ardys and Bob got married with their best friends, John and Ann, standing up with them.

Graci McGillicuddy has cared for children from early on—here she was pushing baby sister Gloria Hayes in the baby carriage.

Roberta Straff with older brothers Gary and Marshall.

Chubby Checker was among the special guests when Kenney DeCamp opened his first dance school. 

Kenney, as Dr. Mime, lined up with Oprah for the St. Patty’s day parade for ABC WLS Chicago.

In this photo from 1954, Kenney DeCamp and his brother, Mike, enjoyed a special moment with another celebrity.

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Performing Arts: Music, Dance, and Theatre

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