People & Business

Safe Children Coalition Receives Grant

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January 14, 2022 – Sarasota

To assist deserving area students in their dream to pursue post-secondary education, the Bank of America Client Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee has awarded a grant of $20,000 to Safe Children Coalition (SCC). These funds will directly support the Achievers program and 8-10 Achievers with scholarships as they continue their education.

To receive a scholarship, youth are required to actively participate in the Achievers program at monthly career and college readiness workshops, Achievers school meetings, financial aid and financial literacy workshops, and various community service events throughout the year. Approximately 185 students are expected to participate in the Achievers program in FY 2022.

The Achievers program empowers at-risk, minority and other disadvantaged students to set and achieve goals in both their educational and personal lives, encouraging continuous growth in the areas of personal development, college preparation, community service and leadership, cultural enrichment, and career options. The program is open to all middle and high school students in Sarasota County. Since 2000, the Achievers program has served more than 9,200 students.

The program ultimately increases student participation in school programs, decreases school absenteeism and dropout rates and prevents delinquent behavior. Youth in the program typically have one or more of the following characteristics: household income below poverty level, homelessness, unaccompanied minors, low grades, truancy, referrals or suspensions, all which place youth in jeopardy of living in poverty, educational failure and/or becoming involved in delinquent activities. 

The Achievers program has been proven, through several decades of collecting data, to increase graduation rates, improve leadership skills and motivation, and prepare youth affected by poverty for college and higher-wage jobs in the workforce. Achievers become future engaged citizens, successful college graduates, and leaders in our community who pass on the legacy of success to future generations.

“For 31 years, our Achievers program has helped to set up area students for scholastic and life success,” said Brena Slater, president and CEO of Safe Children Coalition. “Many Achievers are the first in their families to go to college, giving them the motivation and tools to succeed after high school, which help to break the cycle of generational poverty they face. We are grateful to the Trustees of the Bank of America Client Foundation for supporting this program and helping some of our Achievers to achieve the benefit of higher education.”

In 1961, Sarasota, Florida, Bank and Trust Company (now Bank of America) formed the Bank of America Client Foundation to support charitable endeavors in the local area. The Foundation typically makes grants to Sarasota organizations with a successful track record in the areas of the arts, community, natural science, historic preservation, education, and human services.

Each year the Achievers program awards up to 30 scholarships to deserving first generation students. For more information about the Achievers program and how you can help, call program director Jone Williams at 941-487-6600. For more on Safe Children Coalition, visit

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