
Philanthropy | When You Believe: SCF faculty and staff give back to support students and each other

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By Nate March | April 2022

If only we could do more! This is the sentiment of most who work at State College of Florida and who devotedly donate to the State College of Florida Foundation to support the students and each other’s programs and events. In the minds of many faculty and staff, it’s a “pay it forward” mentality, as they are themselves alumni of the community’s state college and have returned to what they consider home with extended family. They remember the personalized attention from faculty and staff who were dedicated to see them succeed, and they may also have benefitted from scholarships or programs funded by philanthropy.

For many of us, $20 is just $20. But for college students, it’s gas money they need to get to class or several low-cost dinners they’ll stretch through a week. Come on! We all remember those “ramen noodles days,” and if not, weren’t you lucky! SCF faculty and staff witness daily how $20 could feed a student who may otherwise skip meals, $500 might spare tears over required course books and supplies, and how $1,100 may prevent another student from dropping out because he or she needs a computer to complete course work. In 2020-2021, employees were responsible for nearly $50,000 in giving to the SCF Foundation — money that goes a long way in determining whether college is an option or not for many students.

The need for donations raises the same questions again and again. What about state funding? Aren’t there scholarships? Doesn’t tuition and fees cover these costs? And the answer is yes and no. These financial resources exist, but it’s simply not enough to support the more than 10,000 students SCF serves each year. 

SCF is the regions’ only open access 4-year state community college – meaning anyone with a high school diploma or GED is welcome. The Foundation has been driving growth and new opportunities at the college since 1978, managing philanthropic efforts to channel the generosity of community donors, regional partners, and yes, the College’s own employees. More than half of SCF’s employees made a monetary donation to the College last year. Nearly 20% of those employee donors are also SCF alumni. And if they don’t contribute financially, they do so generously with their time-volunteering at one of the Foundation’s community fundraising events.

“The pride employees take in making a difference in going above and beyond for students is one of the most rewarding things about working at SCF,” said Cassandra Holmes, SCF Foundation executive director. “Some employee donors have been reliably giving for over a decade, and some much longer.”

Where is the impact of employee giving? It’s everywhere at SCF. Half of employee donations for 2020-2021 carried no restrictions on use, allowing the Foundation to devote resources to the greatest needs. Specific academic programs and passions received 26% of employee donations, which includes things like scholarship investment, SCF Foundation events, or capital projects, like the recently completed SCF Studio for the Performing Arts in Bradenton or the upcoming new science building at SCF Venice.

Keeping SCF broadly accessible in the face of changing political and socioeconomic environments, while also maintaining the high level of education students attain at the college, is an important and admirable goal. 

SCF’s employees are immersed in these challenges, and some have experienced complicated circumstances firsthand in their own educational careers. At the SCF Foundation, 44% of its staff are SCF alumni, giving them a keen understanding of the critical nature of giving to the College’s success.

The reason for contributing to the SCF Foundation may differ for each employee, but all have their own powerful motivations to donate. Here are some of them in their own words.

“I came to SCF in 1998 as a student seeking an AA degree. This experience changed my life profoundly because my career trajectory from paralegal to teacher was “made” here at SCF thanks to the wonderful faculty. I loved the paralegal profession that I spent 20 years working in, so I give to the Foundation in support of the profession because it is rewarding to people who like to help others. So, it’s really about helping people grow and shape their lives into a career that costs less than law school but brings with it the opportunity to help people.”

—Suzanne Bechtol ‘02, Associate Professor; Department Chair, Social and Behavioral Sciences

“I attended SCF (it was Manatee Community College then) as a non-traditional student: an immigrant mom with young children. I was fortunate to receive financial aid at the time, which made it possible for me to get my AA, and then go on to pursue a bachelor’s and a master’s in library and information sciences. I am now a librarian at SCF and every day I see students who are just like me, jumping through the hoops to achieve their dreams and support their families. Education is a human right and higher education should be available to anyone who wants to pursue a career. For that reason, I make sure to give back a little of what I received, by contributing to the SCF Foundation scholarships.”

—Alicia Long ‘98, Librarian/Access Services Supervisor

“SCF is such an important economic driver for our community, both as an employer in its own right, but more importantly educating essential sectors of our workforce. My family has been cared for by SCF nurses in local hospitals, SCF-educated early childhood teachers have taught my children, I’ve seen first responders who attended SCF in action, and some of our strongest community leaders are SCF alumni. I am SCF proud to live in this community and work at SCF, and that’s why I support the SCF Foundation.”

—Jamie Smith, Associate Vice President, Communications and Government Relations

FOR MORE INFORMATION about how you can join SCF’s employees in making a difference in the life of a student, visit

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