Health & Wellness

InHealth: Understanding Long Term Weight Loss

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By Kevin Huguet, MD, MPH, FACS | September 2021

Let’s face it—long term weight loss is not easy. However, it is definitely possible—especially when your personal motivation to lose weight and keep it off for life meets with the expertise and support you need.

What Are Options for Long Term Weight Loss?

When eating healthy and exercising regularly haven’t been enough to help shed excess weight, you may want to consider a minimally invasive surgical approach. There are no specific criteria for eligibility for weight loss through medication, but there are specific criteria for surgical weight loss.

When is surgical weight loss appropriate?

Weight loss surgery can be an excellent option for individuals who have tried to lose 75 or more pounds and failed at multiple diet attempts in the past. Those whose BMI is between 35-39.9 and have a diagnosis of hypertension, type II diabetes, or obstructive sleep apnea may be a candidate. Individuals with BMI over 40 and have no co-morbidities may also be a candidate, based on insurance guidelines. Most weight loss surgeons have a caring team member that can provide a complimentary insurance check for you.

The latest surgical weight loss options include a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and a robotic gastric bypass. Both procedures are a tool to lose weight and should be combined with a comprehensive program that provides you with guidance especially before and throughout the first year after surgery.

What is a sleeve gastrectomy?

A sleeve gastrectomy is a procedure that restricts the amount of food you can consume by removing up to 2/3 of the stomach and leaving behind a smaller stomach about the size of a medium banana. This procedure also suppresses your body’s production of ghrelin, which is the hormone that causes hunger.

What are some non-surgical options?

Surgery may not be for everyone. Non-surgical options for weight loss include medically supervised weight loss programs. Medically supervised weight loss options include supervised meal replacements, activity programs, and anti-obesity medications. Incorporating a comprehensive approach to managing obesity helps patients stay accountable, while creating a healthier relationship with food. Many times, insurance will even cover these programs.

Why Choose a Comprehensive Weight Loss Center?

A comprehensive weight loss center has a multi-disciplinary team of experienced providers who fully understand your unique needs and goals. When you research your options, select a program that addresses every aspect that contributes to long term success such as nutrition, fitness, and behavior modification. A patient advocate, one who has had surgery themselves, can be extremely helpful. Ideally, choose a certified Center of Excellence where you feel welcome and understand what to expect each step of the way. As with any decision, ask questions, consider your options and most importantly, take action so you can live the healthy life you desire and deserve. 

MIIS-Weight Loss Institute
Kevin Huguet, MD, MPH, FACS
2191 9th Ave. N., Suite 270
St. Petersburg, FL 33713


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