
Elysian Fields Under New Ownership

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Elysian Fields was purchased by Ruta and Tony Gillette and they are very excited to be a part of not only the Sarasota community, but also part of the large spiritual community that resides here in Sarasota.

Together, Ruta and Tony bring a wealth of retail knowledge and experience to Elysian Fields.

Ruta is from Lithuania, but always knew she wanted to live in a coastal community in the United States.  She originally located to San Diego, CA where she became an esthetician.  While working, she discovered that she had passion for helping others through her touch and went on to become a Reiki Master.  Ruta has always been intuitive and decided to continue her self-discovery by taking a psychic development class.  

Tony has been working in retail for over 35 years, from store management to executive level corporate leadership.  He has been involved with many different facets of retail, including operations, training and support positions.  Originally from Indiana, Tony has moved several times and has lived in Michigan, California, Texas and now Florida with Ruta and their two children.

When asked why they picked Elysian Fields, Ruta stated, “We did not choose Elysian Fields, Elysian Fields chose us”.  Tony added, “Elysian Fields is now a family owned business” as you are likely to see their children in the store when not in school.

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