People & Business

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast Named Agency of the Year

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast has been recognized as the Large Agency of the Year by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. The agency has demonstrated outstanding leadership and has increased the number of children they serve in their communities. They have also all made key strategic decisions that have allowed them to innovate and grow over the past year.

They were selected based on growth in the number of children served, quality and length of mentoring matches, and increased revenues, which ensure the agency can continue to grow and serve more children. The winning agency has focused on growing the number and maintaining the quality of mentoring relationships (“matches”) between caring adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and youth (“Littles”).

“In all 50 states, local Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies are strengthening their communities through mentorship, but these agencies have truly excelled in providing quality services and growing their reach,” said Pam Iorio, President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. “These agencies are helping thousands of children reach their full potential.”

“I have always considered you the best and now the Nation knows what I have always known! You are a very special group of people and the success of our Agency is reflective of your commitment and efforts in all that we do. I am very proud to be associated with this Organization,” said Susan Flynn, Corporate Board Chair of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast. “I thank each of you for setting an example that other agencies must strive to achieve; and for giving the very best of yourselves in a challenging profession.”

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