People & Business

Covid-19 Update for Selby Gardens

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Today, Selby Gardens announced that two Selby Gardens administrative employees at the Downtown Sarasota campus tested positive for COVID-19. The employees did not interact with the public at any time and are self-quarantined at home until they have two negative tests.  All administrative staff in contact with the employees will work from at home for a minimum of seven days.

In an abundance of caution, the gardens are returning to a Phase One reopening status for members and guests. All indoor areas at both the Downtown Sarasota and Historic Spanish Point campuses are closed and only outdoor areas are open (including the Ann Goldstein Children’s Rainforest Garden). Ticket prices have been reduced at both campuses to reflect these changes.

In accordance with local guidelines, masks are required for all guests and staff.

Also, here are further actions we have taken in compliance with CDC and state guidelines to ensure the safety of our guests and staff:

  • Tickets are available onsite via contactless purchasing using credit or debit cards – cash will not be accepted at either campus. Online ticketing is also available for the Downtown Sarasota campus.
  • Water fountains remain closed, and guests are encouraged to bring their own water.  
  • All ticket purchasers must queue appropriately at both campuses according to social distancing guidelines.
  • A glass partition separates guests from staff at entrances.
  • Numerous hand-sanitizing stations are located throughout both campuses.
  • Signage reminds guests to use hand sanitizer, engage in proper hand-washing, and to follow social distancing guidelines.
  • Sanitization of high-touch public areas occurs before, during, and after hours, along with the application of an anti-viral solution in high-touch areas on a regular basis.
  • Our staff is stationed throughout both campuses to ensure that social distancing is being followed and to monitor guest counts.
  • No guided tours or in-person classes are offered.

As you know, the COVID-19 situation is very fluid, the gardens will continue to monitor guidelines set forth by the CDC, state, and local authorities with regard to operating procedures.

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