People & Business

Venice Regional Introduces Technology to Diagnose, Treat Lung Cancer

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Over two-thirds of potentially cancerous lung masses are located in the periphery of the lungs where bronchi are too narrow to allow a typical diagnostic tool to pass. At Venice Regional Bayfront Health, doctors now have an innovative technology that allows them to target, biopsy and treat tumors in the periphery of the lungs.


Called “navigational bronchoscopy,” the system combines sensor technology with real-time, three-dimensional CT images. The system provides targeted access for diagnostic biopsy and robotic surgery to remove tumors, while preserving as much healthy lung tissue as possible.


“Navigational bronchoscopy is the new standard of care for diagnosing lung masses that can’t be reached with standard bronchoscopes,” said Yousuf Dawoodjee, M.D., a board-certified pulmonologist with Gulf Coast Pulmonology Associates. “We are excited to offer this approach to patients who are at higher risk of lung cancer, particularly those who smoke or have a history of heavy smoking.”


“Seventy-five percent of people diagnosed with lung cancer are at an incurable stage, and if the person has progressed to symptoms, surgery for a cure may not be an option. Combined with a surgical robot, the new tool of navigational bronchoscopy allows us to be more precise in both diagnosis and surgery to head off lung cancer at an early stage, giving patients a much better chance of survival and longevity,” said Bryan L. Smith, M.D., F.A.C.S., a board-certified surgeon with Surgical Associates of Venice & Englewood.


“In addition to being very precise for diagnosis and surgery, a great benefit of this system is how efficient it is for the patient. No one likes to schedule procedure after procedure. We can effectively diagnose and treat in a single visit in many cases,” Dr. Smith said.


For more information about lung cancer screening and navigational bronchoscopy, call 941-488-7742 or visit and click on “Services,” “Pulmonary Care.”

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