Local award-winning author Susan Klaus will launch her newest thriller “Wolf in the Crosshairs” on Oct. 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Reserve, 1322 N. Tamiami Trail. This is Klaus’ latest book in the series featuring Sarasota beach bum turned eco-warrior Christian Roberts and his alter ego Captain Nemo who stops at nothing to save endangered species. This time it’s American gray wolves.
It is a timely topic as U.S. Fish and Wildlife seeks to remove them from the endangered species list in the lower 48 states, and there has been wholesale wolf slaughter in states that already have removed protection for the predators. The issue has made headlines with lawsuits from wildlife groups and celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio advocating for gray wolves and funding initiatives to save them.
“Wolf in the Crosshairs” is being released Oct. 16 in advance of National Wolf Awareness Week Oct. 20-26, and is the third book in the series of thrillers featuring the anti-hero Roberts, who in his last cause in “Shark Fin Soup” went up against the shark fin trade to save sharks, which play a vital role in the health of the world’s oceans. The first book in the series, “Secretariat Reborn” won the Florida Authors & Publishers Association Silver President Award for Best Adult Florida Fiction.
In “Wolf in the Crosshairs”, Roberts finds himself as much in the crosshairs as the wolves he is trying to save. Among those on his trail are law enforcement for a murder he didn’t commit, the FBI, which sees him as an eco-terrorist, a corrupt politician’s hired killer, and a deadly, love-struck hit man. The question to be answered is: can he expose a government conspiracy and overcome a powerful lobbying group to save the wolves along with himself and those who are helping him?
“Wolf in the Crosshairs” is available in bookstores and online at www.Amazon.com and www.BarnesAndNoble.com as well as all eBook formats. More information about “Wolf in the Crosshairs” and Klaus’ other books may be found at http://susanklaus.com, https://www.facebook.com/susan.c.klaus and https://twitter.com/KlausSue.
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