People & Business

The Child Protection Center Honors Child Advocate of the Year

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July 24, 2024 | Sarasota

The Child Protection Center, Inc. (CPC) honors The Arthur S. Karp Family Foundation as the Child Advocate of the Year. The Karp Family’s first investment in the community through the foundation was to CPC, and their charitable giving has spanned more than twenty years.

Arthur and Susan Karp created a foundation of comprehensive philanthropy decades ago that continues three generations later. The family gives of their time, talents, and treasures, investing in organizations that create catalytic change in the community. At the Child Protection Center, the Karp Family advocate for the mission and support the organization, which impacts more than 60,000 people annually in Sarasota and Desoto Counties. Tammy Karp currently serves on the Board of Directors, and Taylor Karp Teymuri and Sarah Karp Renkliyuz currently serve on the Butterfly Guild (CPC’s Young Professional Group for Child Advocacy).

Tammy, Taylor, and Sarah co-chaired the 11th Annual Blue Ties and Butterflies this past April which raised critical funds for CPC’s programming as well as awareness of the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse. While presenting the award, Executive Director Doug Staley shared “The Karp family has helped CPC to shine a light on the secrets that were hidden and not discussed. They are a part of our foundation that provides children with hope, healing, and transformation.”

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