People & Business

SMH Implements No Visitors Policy

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Effective 6 p.m. on Friday, June 26, Sarasota Memorial Hospital will once again activate a “No Visitors” policy, except in special circumstances. SMH is taking a proactive approach to reduce risks of exposure by significantly reducing the number of people in the facility. The temporary changes are part of the health system’s ongoing effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and safeguard the health of patients, families, staff and the community.

Visitors will not be allowed at the hospital, with the following exceptions:

  • Patients in certain extraordinary circumstances such as end-of-life care. 
  • Patients in the Emergency Care Center may each have one support person, who will be allowed to wait in the hospital lobby (first floor access only). If a patient requires assistance to receive treatment (such as a stroke patient who cannot speak for himself), then an essential caregiver may be allowed to accompany the patient into the Emergency Care Center or another patient care area as necessary.
  • One support person (one visitor total) for each Labor & Delivery/Mother-Baby patient.
  • One parent or support person (one visitor total) for each Pediatrics patient.
  • Two designated visitors for each Neonatal Intensive Care Unit patient, but only one of those may visit per day.
  • One support person for a patient in surgical, procedural and testing areas.

Any visitors permitted under these guidelines must complete a screening questionnaire, pass a temperature check (under 99 degrees Fahrenheit), and wear a mask while in the hospital. Visitors must be 18 years or older.

No visitors will be permitted for patients suspected of having COVID-19 or who have tested positive. Visitors also are not permitted in the Bayside Center for Behavioral Health or at the Sarasota Memorial Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on Rand Boulevard. 

SMH is encouraging community members and loved ones looking to connect with patients to utilize apps such as Skype, Facetime and Zoom. Staff is available to assist patients and have iPads and other devices available to ensure patients can continue contact with family and friends.

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