People & Business

Senior Friendship Centers Launches “Rainbow Connections”

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June 10, 2024 | Sarasota

In celebration of Pride Month and in response to the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ seniors, Senior Friendship Centers (SFC) is proud to announce the launch of “Rainbow Connections,” a new program dedicated to fostering community, support, and celebration among LGBTQ+ older adults. 

This monthly mixer will take place every second Thursday at SFC’s Sarasota campus. The recurring event will feature a member of the arts community who will speak and perform, followed by a casual Q&A session. Attendees will enjoy complimentary creative culinary bites and beer/wine. 

Statistics highlight that LGBTQ+ seniors are twice as likely to live alone, four times more likely to have no children, and often face shrinking social networks, leading to a lack of traditional support systems. Fear of disclosing their LGBTQ+ identity further results in a four times lower likelihood of accessing community aging services, which exacerbates the risk of holistic health challenges and financial hardship (Generations, American Society of Aging)

“Most LGBTQ+ older adults grew up in a generation where they weren’t supported,” says Erin McLeod, President and CEO of Senior Friendship Centers. “Senior Friendship Centers has always been an advocate for overlooked seniors. Introducing Rainbow Connections exemplifies our commitment to ensuring that all seniors, regardless of their identity, never need to ‘go it alone.'”

SFC’s senior programs, which cover nutrition, economic assistance, caregiving resources, adult day care, wellness classes, and socialization, are all-inclusive. 

June Rainbow Connections Mixer:

  • When:  Thursday, June 13, 2024 | 4:30PM – 6:00PM
  • Where: 1888 Brother Geenen Way, FL 34236 
  • Featured Guest: Violinist Francesca Jourawleff,

To register, visit and search Rainbow Connections Senior Friendship Centers or click here.

For questions or more information, contact call (941) 556-2122.

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