People & Business

Selby Gardens’ Master Plan Update

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The City of Sarasota hosted a workshop where Selby Gardens presented early concept drawings depicting some of the key areas of change to the Master Plan, based on feedback from neighbors.
Over the past three years and 40 hours of testimony, Selby heard repeated comments about the height of the parking structure, the size and operation of the restaurant, and the general concern that noise and traffic might increase due to these two physical features of the plan.
Here are details of the revised Plan, focused on each area of concern:
Height: Having adequate parking is critical to our ability to get visitors to the gardens – visitorship is key to sustaining our future. Our compromise suggestion is to lower the overall height of the structure by 40% to a maximum of 45 feet–comparable in height to our closest neighbor, Hudson Crossing Condominiums.

Restaurant: A lot of concerns about the restaurant centered around the size and the idea that it would be open to serve food later than the Gardens’ hours of operation. To address this concern, we are now suggesting a much smaller restaurant on the ground floor with limited hours of operation mirroring Gardens hours. This would equate to fewer patrons overall, resulting in less noise and traffic. 

Traffic: Keeping U.S. 41/Mound Street as our main entrance while improving the Orange Avenue and U.S.41/Mound Street intersection with two new dedicated turn lanes, helping to alleviate traffic at this corner. Further, compromising on the size of the restaurant should minimize traffic to the intersection as well. Working with the City who will be conducting a new traffic study during peak season so experts can evaluate traffic patterns during a wide variety of days and times.

Noise: Since the hearing in November 2019, Selby has implemented a Gardens-wide sound mitigation system whereby we can monitor and regulate sound throughout the Gardens. The integrated sound system reduces overall volume levels. In addition, permanent sound meters were installed. The system was successful in the 18-night run of Lights in Bloom.
“We recognize we may not be able to address every individual’s concerns, but these sizeable changes address a large portion of the comments we have heard. While we continue to refine the plan based on input from key stakeholders, we remain optimistic that a compromise plan can be reached.  We appreciate everyone’s feedback and look forward to sharing more details as the compromise Master Plan continues to take shape.”
 Says Jennifer O. Rominiecki President & CEO of Selby Gardens

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