Scenes From an Interview: For the Good of All
By Gus Mollasis
This month, instead of interviewing an individual as I usually do, I decided to reach out to local nonprofits to find out how you can help them this holiday season. So, in keeping with the giving spirit of the holidays, we hope the wishes of these nonprofits will make it easier for you to make a difference in someone’s life. There are many ways to help, both big and small, and each contribution, whether it is time, talent or treasure, is priceless to the health and wellbeing of our community.
Help Fight Hunger
$25 = 125 meals, $50 = 250 meals, $100 = 500 meals
Together with their partners, All Faiths Food Bank provides healthy solutions to end hunger in our community. In 2020 All Faiths will continue to build a healthy community by providing 10.8 million meals to children, families, seniors, and veterans in need. You can help them fulfill their mission by supporting their programs which include Backpacks for students, School Pantries, Mobile Pantries, Mobile Farm Markets, Partner Agencies and Nutrition Education.
941.379.6333 | allfaithsfoodbank.org
Provide Comforting Essentials
Dish soap, paper towels, garbage bags, cat litter, and dog shampoo. These are just a few of the most-needed items at Humane Society of Sarasota County (HSSC). They’re not glamorous, but they’re essential to keeping the animals cared for and its facility clean. On average, there are 150 animals at HSSC every day. That’s a lot of food, toys, and supplies. Every donated item helps HSSC reduce expenses and put more resource towards program services. Items may be dropped off at any time. If HSSC is closed, you may leave items outside the Adoption Center.
941.955.4131 | hssc.org
Ensure Safety
JoshProvides Epilepsy Assistance Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those living with epilepsy or other seizure disorders, their families and caregivers.
$250 will purchase a FDA-approved Seizure Detection Watch for a child who has grand mal (tonic clonic) seizures. This device notifies parents when their child is experiencing a seizure so they can immediately respond to ensure their child’s safety.
This lifesaving watch can help to prevent SUDEP – sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. When 1 in 26 people will experience a seizure during their lifetime, this Seizure Detection Watch can save lives! They need 15 watches to fulfill the needs of families and ensure their child’s safety this holiday season.
800.706.2740 | joshprovides.org
Raising Up
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. helps people in crisis to overcome their hardships and live a healthy life. A donation to the 18th Annual Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal will give those in distress the means to move beyond their struggles and enrich our communities. Benefiting the Christmas Appeal will support a survivor of human trafficking on their journey to realize a normal life. For those suffering from anxiety, stress, trauma or depression, Catholic Charities dispenses critical mental health counseling.
Donations can offer a weary homeless family transitional housing and resources to become independent or give a lonely and isolated senior companionship and care. A contribution can also feed desperate individuals experiencing hunger and food insecurity as well as teach at-risk adolescents the skills to make good decisions. Catholic Charities is a non-profit social service agency benefits all people regardless of race, nationality or creed with a wide range of assistance throughout Southwest Florida. 92 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to its clients.
941.488.5581 | catholiccharitiesdov.org
Adopt a Family
JFCS of the Suncoast is inviting you to adopt a family by providing gifts of new clothing, shoes and toys or donate items for children or seniors.
The wish list for children includes: Play-Doh, Dolls/Barbies, Cars/Trucks (Hot Wheels), Action Figures, Legos, Bubbles, Gift Cards to Target or Wal-Mart, Board Games, Sports Equipment, Books, Puzzles, Learning Toys, Arts and Crafts and Nerf Toys.
The wish list for seniors includes: Hard Candy, Stamps, Notepad/Pen, Hand Lotion/Sanitizer, Chapstick, Gift Cards to Publix/Walgreens/Wal-Mart, No-Skid Socks, Tissues, Magnets.
All gifts must be received by December 13.
941.366.2224, ext. 143 | jfcs-cares.org
Help Overcome Challenges
Andrew, 3, refused hugs from his parents. He had almost no interest in interacting with others. He was very sensitive to touch, lacked communication skills and had trouble paying attention. It only took a few months of attendance at The Florida Center’s Starfish Academy, along with on-site wrap around services like speech/language and occupational therapy, for Andrew to begin improving. Therapists also helped Andrew’s parents make their home sensory-friendly. Thanks to this team approach, he is now sleeping better and can finally connect with his family and classmates.
With one out of four children at risk for developmental delay or disability, early identification and treatment are essential, so children like Andrew can overcome challenges and get on a path to success. However, not all families can afford the necessary therapies.
By donating just a few dollars a month, you can become a Starfish Sustainer and help support a child’s needs and sustain services provided by The Florida Center that benefit children and families like Andrew’s. A one-time donation of $100 can provide important therapeutic toys, $500 can provide family counseling services, $1,000 covers the cost of two months of occupational therapy, and a sponsorship of $10,000 pays for a child to attend Starfish Academy preschool and receive therapy for one year. What a great way to help children reach their full potential!
941.371.8820 | thefloridacenter.org
Be a Life Saver
In spring of 2020, SunCoast Blood Bank moves into a new 25,000 SQ FT facility in Lakewood Ranch. This allows the iconic community blood bank to house its entire operation under one roof, in a hurricane hardened facility, with a state-of-the-art donor center. The flagship donor center remains on Mound Street in Sarasota with plans for a renovation the following year.
SunCoast is a national leader in the field of healthcare, providing services beyond the traditional role of a blood center. SunCoast also participates in cancer treatment programs, research, and it manufactures exclusive blood products for a variety of illnesses. With a new Cancer Institute coming online, population in the area predicted to increase by as much as 50% in the next 25 years, and its residents aging, the need for blood products is expected to sky rocket.
This 70-year-old nonprofit has financial needs ranging from $5,000 for blood screening technology to $250,000 for new bloodmobiles. The new facility and the Mound Street center offer numerous naming opportunities for those who want to invest in the health and well-being of our community.
941.954.1600 | scbb.org
Strengthen a Child and Family
Children First strengthens children and families by improving the quality of their lives through a comprehensive approach to development, education, health, and well-being. For the sole provider of Head Start and Early Head Start services in Sarasota County, scholarships continue to be the highest priority.
The necessary funding to support a child for a full year of educational programs, nutrition, healthcare assessments, and family strengthening services is $10,500. Scholarships are critical because they help to minimize the negative effects of poverty and create equal opportunities for learning. Each child receives over 50% of their weekly nutrition through breakfast, lunch, and a snack daily. This helps to ensure that they are healthy enough to learn, ready for success, and able to join Kindergarten on-pace with their more economically stable peers.
RISE is a partnership with Children First and Take Stock in Children Sarasota County, Inc. RISE provides support to low-income families with students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. Children receive one-on-one literacy support. Children First also provides Family Advocacy services to families that promote parent engagement and investment in their child’s education. RISE empowers each family with the encouragement, knowledge, and tools necessary to attend college and succeed in the future. The RISE program currently serves 39 families and their children.
Funding would provide themed books that are given out once a month to every child within the program. The themes of these books are based on a particular social-emotional skill that empowers them with an equitable, supportive, and welcoming environment for learning. Each child receives an additional book to take home and read with their family, along with discussion-based questions and a related family engagement activity. Further funding would provide literacy-based games and “Treasure Box” prizes to reward the children who have successfully completed homework assignments.
941.953.3877 | childrenfirst.net
Help Kids of All Ages
The Circus Arts Conservatory is asking the community to consider three items on its Holiday Wish List:
Circus Arts in Healthcare professional clowns elicit smiles, laughter, song and even happy memories when visiting seniors in care facilities. Often, these seniors go long stretches without family visits or are isolated, with no one left to care. Underwriting a facility visit: $250.
Sailor Circus Academy uses the circus arts to instill values of hard work, team work, discipline, risk-taking and self-confidence in its students. Students from minority communities need scholarships to participate. Underwriting half-year Academy costs for a student: $500.
The Circus Science Machine Program combines teachers, education certified clowns and a unique circus arts science curriculum which so engages 5th grade students that they outperform most others in state required science tests. Underwriting this 9-week program per school: $1,000.
941.355.9335 | circusarts.org
Next-Gen Leaders
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota County believes every child is destined for greatness. For almost 50 years, the organization has provided children and teens with the knowledge and tools they need to become the next generation of community leaders. When young people have access to award-winning educational, developmental and recreational programs, they become equipped with the skills and confidence to successfully pursue their passions and contribute to the world around them.
Inside its Clubs, thousands of youth are charting their path to greatness each day while building lasting friendships, connecting with mentors and participating in enriching programs that they may not otherwise have the chance to experience. Whether Club members are just starting their academic journeys as kindergartners or applying to college or vocational centers as high school seniors, they have access to a wide selection of programs at the Clubs designed to help them realize their greatness.
You can give the gift of a great future to Club members by:
• Donating new, unwrapped toys or gift cards for the annual Holiday Party
• Hosting teens at your workplace for a job shadow day
• Tutoring students in math, biology or history;
• Donating arts supplies to help children express their creativity
941.366.3911 | bgcsarasota.com
There are so many more local nonprofits who need our help. Identify things that are important to you, find out which nonprofits are aligned with your passions, and help make a wish come true for someone in need. There’s no better feeling!
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