People & Business

Sarasota Orchestra Launches “Music Moves Us” Campaign

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To maintain a connection to the Sarasota and Manatee community during a period of social distancing, Sarasota Orchestra artistic leadership, musicians and staff are producing a virtual connectivity initiative. “Music Moves Us” campaign will reside on the Orchestra’s website and its Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as through free email subscriptions.

Music Moves Us is launching with video vignettes from Artistic Advisor Jeffrey Kahane and Sarasota Orchestra musicians. It will continue to expand with regular updates of new content. The campaign also encompasses weekly broadcasts, Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. on classical WSMR 89.1 of Sarasota Orchestra concert recordings.

“There is so much we can do musically and to support our community, even when we cannot come together in the performance hall. We hope our Music Moves Us campaign brings some measure of joy and respite to our community,” said Joseph McKenna, President and CEO.

When: Campaign Launches Tuesday, March 31.



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