Rejuvenating your Energy: Tai Chi Gung with Dr. Jill Morris
January 2023—Dr. Jill Morris is widely known as a top cosmetic and reconstructive dentist in town. Her skill, years of experience, and holistic approach to dentistry have earned her numerous accolades, honors, and awards. So what does this super busy lady do to keep fit and mentally sharp? She practices and teaches the ancient Chinese system of wellness called Tai Chi Gung. We visited Dr. Morris after her class at Prana Yoga and Healing Center in Sarasota to learn more about her passion for this ancient healing art.
How did you learn about Tai Chi Gung?
During the madness of the pandemic, I searched for peace and happiness. I found the global spokesman for the 3300-year-old Lamasery, Master Lama Rasaji, who happens to live in Jacksonville.
Please explain the concept and the history of Tai Chi Gung.
Tai Chi Gung is a technique of simple moving and breathing exercises created by Lao Tzu 3300 years ago for health and longevity. A wise sage by the name of Boganathar traveled to China from India. He was asked to help the Chinese Emperor who was disabled and not expected to live. He worked with him using the principles of Tai Chi Gung, extending the emperor’s life another 20 years. Boganathar was renamed Lao Tzu by the Emperor.
After the Emperor died, the people in the palace asked Lao Tzu to teach them. He refused because he had not fully developed the technique. Many offshoots of Tai Chi were taken and spread by the people of the palace, but these were not the pure teachings developed by Lao Tzu. He traveled to Tibet, spending another 50 years perfecting Tai Chi Gung, and founding the Lamasery.
Tai Chi Gung teaches a system of rejuvenation of the body all the way down to the cellular level through breath and movement. It raises the energy level of the physical body as well as the mental body allowing a state of flow to achieve well-being. Some say the Tai Chi Gung system slows the aging process.

Is Tai Chi Gung hard to learn?
If you can think, breathe, and move (even if you cannot walk or stand) you can learn Tai Chi Gung. It has been taught to people ranging from ages 4 to 110. The head Lama in Tibet is a very vital 116-year-old.
Is Tai Ch Gung suitable for those with injuries or disabilities?
The Chinese Emperor practiced Tai Chi Gung while sitting in a chair. There are chair classes as well as standing classes that are very beneficial. When I teach in assisted living centers, we begin with chair exercises.
What health benefits will I get from practicing Tai Chi Gung?
Many people experience an increase in positive energy and stamina. They gain a better range of motion, increased concentration, restful sleep, better balance, and clarity of thought. During their first class, my students release stress, feeling more peaceful and calm.
If you would like to sign up for a class, please visit Dr. Morris’s website www.doctorjillmorris.com to sign up. To organize a class for your family or friends at a location of your choice, please email Dr. Morris directly at jill@doctorjillmorris.com. Jill is also available to teach classes in assisted living facilities.
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