People & Business
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Announces Summer Adventures Program
April 24, 2023 – Sarasota
Registration is open for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Ringling College’s Summer Adventures Program. The seven-week program runs from May 15 to June 30, 2023, and offers one-of-a-kind lifelong learning experiences for adults. Unless noted, all lectures, presentations, and films take place at Sarasota Art Museum of Ringling College of Art and Design, 1001 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota.
Week One, May 15-19: Tours — History, architecture, and art are featured this week through onsite tours. Newtown Alive is a guided, interactive tour showcasing the history of Sarasota’s earliest African-American pioneers and one of its oldest neighborhoods. The Elling Eide Center Research Library and Preserve tour offersa fascinating look at the arboretum’s rare plants, the geologic history of Florida, and Eide’s collection of Asian art and literature. The 90-minute guided Architecture Tour visits some outstanding examples of Sarasota’s architecture and design featuring Mid-Century Modern, Art Deco, and Mediterranean Revival styles. The week closes at The Ringling with a trio of programs including a docent-led tour of the The John & Mable Museum of Art followed by self-guided tours of the Circus Museum and the Bayfront Gardens.
Week Two, May 22-26: Tours — The second week of onsite tours focuses on marine life, architecture, and rare plants. The Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium tour features a discussion about the latest research at Mote, followed by self-guided tours of the aquarium and Marine Mammal Center. The 90-minute guided Architecture Tour visits some outstanding examples of Sarasota’s architecture and design featuring Mid-Century Modern, Art Deco, and Mediterranean Revival styles. The final outing of the week is the behind-the-scenes Greenhouse Tour at Selby Gardens. This guided experience features a look at plants that are rarely on view to the public including endangered orchids and other exotic specimens. Visit the gardens on your own once the greenhouse tour is complete.
Week Three, May 30-June 2: Summer Film Series — This film series highlights films set in the summer, including Mystic Pizza (1988), Summer of Soul (2001), Summertime (1955), and Adventureland (2009). Engage in lively, immediate reactions followed by discussions with film aficionado and series host Roxanne Baker.
Week Four, June 5-8: Cultural Expressions — Take a trip around both real and imaginary worlds in the comfort of a classroom during Cultural Expressions week. Lectures include Explore the Roof of the World: Tibet with Judy Levine; Seeker/Keeper —Observing Culture Through a Documentary Photographer’s Lens with Wayne Eastep; This Was Their Lives Series: Middle Earth and the Shire: The Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien; and From the Andes to the Amazon: Colombia’s Biodiversity and its Different Cultures.
Week Five, June 12-16: Personal Finance — Make sure your financial affairs are in order with this week’s lectures, which include Seniors — How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Investment Scams; Living on a Fixed Income; What Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know; Learn How to Fill the Gap in Your Retirement Strategy; and It’s all About the Planning: Overview of Estate Planning for Seniors. This week also features This Was Their Lives Series: The World of P.G. Wodehouse, the English writer-humorist whose prolific works include novels, short stories, essays, and song lyrics.
Week Six, June 19-23: Performing Arts — The week begins at Florida Studio Theatre (FST) for Improv and More with FST’s Director of Improvisation Will Luera. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the theatre followed by fun improv games and theatre exercises. The week continues at Sarasota Art Museum with these lectures: This Was Their Lives Series: A Frank Lecture on Sinatra; The Man I Love: The Story of Kay Swift and George Gershwin; What Makes the Harp Special; and All About That Bass, with professional bassist Paul Gormley and multi-instrumentalist Dick Hamilton.
Week Seven, June 26-30: Wellness and Healthy Lifestyles — Gain insights into a healthier lifestyle through one or more of these lectures: Dreams: What Condition is Your Condition in?; This Was Their Lives Series: The Life of Eric Kandel, 2000 Nobel Prize winner for his work on understanding the biology of memory; Intimacy and Sex. What is Happening?; Navigating Your Florida Garden and Landscaping; and Plant Parenthood: How to Care for Your Plants and Uplift Your Spirits and Home Space.
To register, or for more information about becoming an OLLI member, visit www.OLLIatRinglingCollege.org or call 941-309-5111.
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