People & Business

Next-Mark Wins Multiple FPRA Awards

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August 26, 2023 | Sarasota

Sarasota-based marketing and communications firm Next-Mark earned two prestigious honors at this year’s Florida Public Relations Association Golden Image Awards. The agency was presented with an Award of Distinction and a Judges’ Award during the annual summit held in Tampa.

The Golden Image Awards are recognized as the hallmark of excellence in public relations. Winners of this prestigious competition demonstrate the very best examples of innovation, planning, and design. The Judges’ Award is presented to entries that achieve impressive return on investment, while the Award of Distinction is presented to entries that meet a set standard of excellence.

Next-Mark’s campaign was recognized under the integrated marketing campaign category. The category is for any program incorporating public relations strategies and tactics as part of an integrated campaign, and demonstrating effective integration with other communication disciplines.

According to Next-Mark President and Founder Joseph Grano, these awards further highlight the firm’s ability to create cohesive, multi-channel strategies that deliver outstanding results for their clients. The campaign’s success brought significant visibility and business growth to their Sarasota-based client.

“Receiving these awards is a tremendous honor. This recognition underscores the continued dedication to the excellence, innovation and professionalism our team brings to every project. It’s a testament to the power of integrated marketing and the incredible results that can be achieved when strategy and creativity come together,” Grano said.

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