People & Business

New Children’s Book Exploring Loss Benefits Tidewell Foundation

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March 24, 2021 – Sarasota

Sara Jonas, local author of the new children’s book, “Ham’s Big Adventure,” is donating 33 percent of the book’s proceeds to the Tidewell Foundation, Inc. The proceeds donated from the book will go toward caring for hospice patients and funding programs such as Tidewell Hospice’s Blue Butterfly Family Grief Centers.

“Ham’s Big Adventure” is centered around a space pirate who travels the universe on his pirate ship searching for where love truly lives. Throughout his journey, Ham discovers that love isn’t as far away as he imagined. Jonas was inspired to write this book to help others deal with grief similar to what she experienced when Jamie Myers, a dear friend of hers, passed away. During his final days, Myers became a patient of Tidewell Hospice and received its care. In an effort to pass along Myers’ spirit of love and compassion while giving back to those who were there for him, Jonas is donating a third of the book’s proceeds to the Tidewell Foundation.

“My friend Jamie, who ‘Ham’s Big Adventure’ is written about, was such an inspiration in my life. Even on his worst days, he took time to comfort people and ensure that they felt loved,” said Sara Jonas, author of “Ham’s Big Adventure.” “It was also important to me to give back to the organization that gave so much time and care to Jamie at the end of his life. I am forever grateful to Tidewell, and through the legacy of this book and the Tidewell Foundation, I hope it can help people survive grief like mine.”

Recently, Jonas recorded a reading of “Ham’s Big Adventure” for families receiving care from Tidewell Hospice’s Blue Butterfly Family Grief Centers, a year-round program serving parents and children ages 5-18 who are coping with the loss of a loved one. In addition, the Tidewell Foundation has purchased copies of the book for Blue Butterfly children and families to read during their time together, which is currently taking place virtually and in-person. The book discusses difficult subjects, including grief and loneliness, in ways that are accessible for young children — making it a helpful resource as they process their own emotions. 

“Sara’s new book is a great lesson for children everywhere that you are never alone and love lives within all of us,” said Tidewell Foundation President Debbie Mason. “This lesson is even more important for children today, as they struggle to cope with being separated from family and friends during the pandemic. We are so blessed to have been able to care for Jamie, and we’re moved by Sara’s generous donation to honor his life and legacy. Every contribution — big and small — enables Tidewell Hospice to deliver world-class care for thousands of patients and families.”

One in 13 children in our region will lose one or both parents before they turn 18 — leaving them at an increased risk for depression, anxiety, truancy, eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, and even suicide. Blue Butterfly is the only evidence-based program in our region that helps children and caregivers grieve through professional counseling, peer-support groups and therapeutic activities.

Tidewell’s grief and bereavement services — including Blue Butterfly — are 100 percent donor supported and offered for free to children and their families. If you or someone you know could benefit from the grief support Tidewell Hospice’s Blue Butterfly Family Grief Centers provide, call Family Grief Program Specialist Danielle Visone, MSW, LCSW, at 941-893-6610 or

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