People & Business

Local Solar Energy Business Owner Elected President of Statewide Association

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September 3, 2024 | Sarasota

At its August 27th board meeting in Ft Myers, the board of the Florida Solar Energy Industries Association (FlaSEIA) elected Bill Johnson, founder and president of Brilliant Harvest, as its new board president. He will serve a two-year term.

Johnson has served on the FlaSEIA board since 2017. His most recent board role prior to being elected president was treasurer.

Established in 1977, FlaSEIA is a nonprofit trade association dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of the solar energy industry in Florida. In the coming years, the association has established the following priorities:

  • To protect and defend rooftop solar and battery storage at the state level.
  • To introduce and support efforts to streamline permitting for rooftop solar and battery systems statewide.
  • To advocate for rooftop solar as a key method to improve grid and community resilience during and after storms.
  • To better educate the public and state and local leaders on the many benefits of rooftop solar power.

“The Florida Solar Energy Industries Association is working to serve the greater community of rooftop solar users and companies across the state,” said Johnson. “We need strong voices advocating for solar statewide. It’s something I’ve believed in since I started Brilliant Harvest in 2009.”

Johnson believes that the “Sunshine State” needs better energy policy, noting that the solar industry has been fighting some of the same fights for decades. According to the SEIA website, “Florida’s solar policies have lagged behind other states: it has no renewable portfolio standard and does not allow power purchase agreements, two policies that have driven solar investments in other states.”

Despite the challenges faced by the Florida industry, Johnson hopes to raise awareness of the many benefits of installing solar energy and battery backup systems during his tenure – and beyond.

“The biggest thing we’d like people to understand is that solar power is good for everyone,” he said. “Producing and using your own energy from the sun, that is freedom. It helps Florida to become more resilient and keeps energy spending within the state. The solar industry also provides high-quality, good-paying jobs to Florida workers that can’t be shipped out of state – much less out of the country!”

Upholding high ethical standards, FlaSEIA’s professional members prioritize quality, safety, and performance. With over 450,000 solar installations statewide, its members’ commitment is evident in making solar the natural energy choice for Florida. Its mission is to enable the deployment of local solar energy and storage. FlaSEIA empowers businesses and consumers, working together to build a brighter future.

Johnson founded Brilliant Harvest in 2009; since then, the company has designed, developed, constructed and operated photovoltaic (PV) systems for commercial and residential clients from Ocala to Naples. With its headquarters in Sarasota, Brilliant Harvest is state certified, NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) certified, and proud to be a Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer.

For more information, visit or call (941) 359-3700.

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