People & Business

Local Attorney Recognized in Best Lawyers in America 2020

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Sarasota attorney J. Allison Archbold of the Archbold Law Firm, P.A., was selected by her peers for inclusion in the 26th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© 2020 for her work in Trusts and Estates in Sarasota; this is the fourth consecutive year she has earned this honor. Since it was first published in 1983, Best Lawyers® has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Best Lawyers lists are compiled based on an exhaustive peer-review evaluation – lawyers are not allowed to pay a fee to be listed; therefore, inclusion is considered a singular honor. For the 2020 edition, 8.3 million votes were analyzed, which resulted in more than 62,000 leading lawyers being included. Corporate Counsel magazine has called Best Lawyers “the most respected referral list of attorneys in practice.” Archbold has been practicing estate planning, probate, and trust administration in Sarasota since 2007. Prior to obtaining her Masters of Laws (LL.M.) in Estate Planning, she was a judge advocate in the U.S. Marine Corps. She is board certified in wills, trusts and estates. For more information, call 941-960-8825 or go to

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