People & Business

JoshProvides Partners with Epilepsy Services of SW FL for Transportation

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July 12, 2021 – Sarasota

JoshProvides Epilepsy Assistance Foundation (JoshProvides) is partnering with Epilepsy Services of SW FL (ESSWFL) to help individuals who are unable to drive due to their seizures.  In the State of Florida, individuals diagnosed with epilepsy are prohibited from driving until they are six-months seizure free.

During the pandemic, SCAT waived fees for bus riders but just reinstituted their bus fees as of July 6th.  “Here was an opportunity for JoshProvides to directly help people with epilepsy.  We secured monthly bus passes for 25 clients and delivered these to ESSWFL for them to distribute to their clients,” remarked Andria Bilan, CEO.  Kevin Lindberg, Executive Director of ESSWFL, noted, “We are grateful to JoshProvides for this assistance. Our clients need access to transportation to get to medical appointments and now they can. This type of partnership benefits so many in our community.”

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that will impact 1 in 26 people during their lifetime.  It is estimated that more than 400,000 individuals in Florida have been diagnosed with epilepsy.  Seizures are unpredictable and directly impact the health and safety of the individual.  

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