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Jane Rose Named Director of USF Early University Programs, Leads Dual Enrollment

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SARASOTA, Fla. (Sept. 10, 2020) – As the University of South Florida consolidated its three campuses into one university this year, Jane Rose was tasked with taking on an expanded role, bringing her wide-ranging talents, experience and administrative skills to a new position that helps high school students get a jump on college.

Rose, associate professor of English and former dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus, is the new director of the university-wide Office of USF Early University Programs.

Vice Provost and Regional Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Student Success 

Brett E. Kemker developed the concept for the new office and oversees the initiative for the university.

“The Office of USF Early University Programs is a direct response to community demand from the area’s school superintendents,” said Kemker. “Dual Enrollment is a remarkable opportunity for high school students from our region who want to earn college credit from a nationally ranked institution. 

“Dr. Rose is an incredible asset to this office and has effectively developed a top-notch experience for the area’s high school students.”

The office, based at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus, is responsible for overseeing dual-enrollment initiatives across all USF campuses and through the university’s online platform. By Florida law, qualified high school students can participate in dual enrollment to expedite their time in college and lessen the expense of their undergraduate education.

“I am honored to participate in a program that helps make the university learning experience more accessible to all high school students in USF’s service region,” said Rose, who started her new position in July.

Karen Holbrook, regional chancellor for the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus, said of the appointment, “Dr. Rose is the perfect person to lead USF’s Early University programs. She has high-level administrative experience as a college dean combined with a passion for education and helping young people develop an accelerated pathway to achieving their goals to obtain a college education.”

USF’s partnership with the Manatee and Sarasota school districts began a year ago to help the region’s students get an early start on their college education. Students taking dual-enrollment classes can earn credit toward both their high school and college degrees.

This fall, more than 600 students – mostly from Sarasota and Manatee counties and from a mix of public, private, charter and parochial schools, along with some home-schooled students – have been approved for dual enrollment. 

“This program can present a tremendous opportunity for young people who qualify,” Rose said. “Many of these students enter college far ahead of their peers.” 

Rose’s new position represents a significantly larger role. She previously oversaw liberal arts and social sciences at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus for 14 years, first as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and then as dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, which included the School of Education.

In this capacity, she directed programs that helped shape the life of the campus. She established the campus’ first honors program, designed a distinctive general education curriculum, launched a co-curricular student research symposium and created an interdisciplinary study-abroad initiative. She also led development efforts for new degree programs in biology and professional and technical communication.

“I care deeply about how the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus can contribute to the life of our communities, and as USF begins a new chapter with its campuses united as ‘OneUSF,’ I am pleased to have the opportunity to oversee such an important effort in helping USF serve the expanded region of all its campuses,” she said. 

The program’s courses are taught both on USF campuses and online, as well as in select public high schools where teachers have been credentialed by USF as adjunct instructors.

While USF has partnered with schools in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties for several years, the program was expanded to districts in Sarasota and Manatee counties only last year. It was well received, with more than 400 students signing up for dual enrollment classes. This year, more than 500 students from Sarasota and Manatee schools are enrolled in the classes.

In addition to a mix of general education courses, the Early University program offers specialized “upper-level” classes in pre-education and online engineering at two high schools in Pinellas and Hillsborough counties.

Schools wishing to participate in dual enrollment must sign an articulation agreement with USF. Students can qualify for the program based on their Grade Point Average and SAT/ACT/PERT scores and with approval of their high school counselors. Students approved and admitted to the program do not pay for tuition or textbooks. 

“Given the cost of higher education today, this is an amazing opportunity,” Rose said. 

For more about USF Early University Programs, visit

To learn more about the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus, visit

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