People & Business

Grant from Masala Giving Circle Supports Youth Training at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe

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July 19, 2024 | Sarasota

Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe was recently thrilled to receive its first-ever grant from the Masala Giving Circle. The $5,000 contribution was designated for Stage of Discovery, WBTT’s free summer musical theatre intensive.

Stage of Discovery is an innovative and inspiring initiative aimed at nurturing and showcasing young Black and minority talent in the world of performing arts. The program, which launched nine years ago, provides a platform for aspiring artists – typically ages 13-18 – to explore their creativity, develop their theatrical skills, and gain valuable experience in various aspects of theatre production.

Participants in Stage of Discovery work closely with seasoned professionals, benefiting from their instruction, guidance and mentorship. The program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers acting, singing, dancing, and other essential theatrical disciplines. Additionally, participants gain practical experience by participating in a full-scale, program-culminating musical production.

This program not only fosters artistic growth but also emphasizes personal development, teamwork, and self-confidence. It is a valuable stepping stone for young individuals hoping to pursue studies and future careers in the performing arts, helping them build a strong foundation and a sense of belonging within the vibrant theater community. Stage of Discovery contributes to the diversity and inclusivity of the performing arts while nurturing the next generation of talented Black and minority performers and theater professionals.

“Most of these young people, while naturally talented, have never had any formal theater experience. While WBTT is known for its high-quality professional productions, my main purpose in starting this organization 25 years ago was to help young artists who may not otherwise have the opportunity to develop their talents and achieve success,” said WBTT Founder/Artistic Director Nate Jacobs. “We are grateful to the Masala Giving Circle for its support of Stage of Discovery this year!”

There were 26 participants this summer; three performances of the culminating production – titled “Make Room For Me!” – took place July 12-14 at WBTT.

For more about WBTT, visit or call 941-366-1505.

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