People & Business

First 1,000 Days Representatives to Speak at Regional Summit

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Kelly Romanoff, Innovation and Impact Officer for Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation and Chelsea Arnold, a nurse practitioner at Sarasota Memorial who serves as program coordinator for First 1,000 Days Sarasota County, will present at the Summit on Substance Use Disorder in the Pregnancy Patient and Substance Exposed Newborn. The four-county summit, hosted Thursday and Friday at Keiser University, draws professionals from the medical, addiction treatment, social work and public health communities who treat mothers and infants impacted by substance use.

“Every 15 minutes in America, a child is born after a prenatal exposure to opioids,” said Romanoff. “The time to act is now if we want to prevent another generation of children from repeating the devastating cycle of addiction.”

Arnold and Romanoff will update participants on the First 1,000 Days community initiative and its mission to increase access to care and coordination of services for mothers and babies. Participants will work through scenarios a mother battling substance use and her drug-exposed infant would encounter and identify new partnerships, resources or creative solutions that would help the family find safety and stability.  

This is the second regional summit on substance use organized by Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota County. Summit partners include Healthy Start and Drug Free Coalitions in counties of Manatee, DeSoto, Charlotte and Sarasota.

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