
ELC Prepares for Every Child a Reader Week

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“Every Child a Reader Week” is an annual event that promotes early literacy in Manatee County and provides a memorable opportunity for numerous community volunteers from all professions and backgrounds to read a storybook to preschool children. This year, the event will take place the week of April 22nd – April 26th.

Every Child a Reader Week is the result of a partnership between the Kiwanis Club of Bradenton and the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County (ELC) to promote early literacy. For the 2019 event, Kiwanis awarded the ELC a $6,000 grant towards purchasing books and materials. Kiwanis will also provide volunteer readers for the event.

The ELC is also thrilled to have the continued support of the Michael Saunders & Company Foundation. This year, the Michael Saunders & Company Foundation awarded the ELC a $1,000 grant for the program.

During Every Child A Reader Week, community volunteers visit classrooms of three to five year old children in an early learning facility and read a book to the children. After the book is read, the volunteer gives each child his or her own book to read with their families. Children also receive a tip sheet for their parents that offers ideas to help parents encourage reading. The volunteer’s book is left in the classroom so that the teacher can continue the momentum built by this event.

“Early literacy is one of our core values,” said ELC CEO Paul Sharff. He continued: “I would like to thank our partners, the Kiwanis Club of Bradenton and the Michael Saunders & Company Foundation, for their huge support. We look forward to making this a successful year.”

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