Arts & Culture

Eames + Artists: A Transformation Worthy of Sarasota MOD

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Ten amazing Sarasota artists have transformed the iconic Eames© Chair to be auctioned off at SarasotaMOD 2017.

The auction will help raise funds to benefit the Sarasota Architectural Foundation’s ongoing programs that educate and create awareness about the importance of the Sarasota School of Architecture movement. This incredible event is made possible by the generous support of Home Resource and Herman Miller.

The chairs were unveiled at MOD’s Kick-Off Party at the BOTA Center, hosted by MOD Sponsor Howard Davis. The artists’ chairs are currently on display at Home Resource showroom.  The online bidding began on October 27th and continues through MOD Weekend November 12th.  

To view or bid on these one-of-a kind chairs,visit

Chair winners will be announced at 11:30 am on Sunday, November 12th at the SarasotaMOD Rosemary District Walking Tour at Home Resource. 

For more information, visit

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