
Championing Hope & Humanity: Greg Cruz & Streets of Paradise

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By Joshua Thomas Bray | June 2024

Beneath the sunlit allure of Sarasota lies a hidden crisis: homelessness. Streets of Paradise (SOP) is at the forefront, tackling this urgent issue head-on with innovative solutions and heartfelt dedication. Greg Cruz, a man of compassion, formed from hard life experiences and whose journey from adversity to advocacy has touched countless lives, founded Streets of Paradise in 2018. This grassroots organization, fueled by love and determination, fights homelessness with unwavering commitment. His rough beginning led Cruz to choose facing hardships head-on and created a path that led him to rise as one of Sarasota’s silent champions to help others in our community.

Growing up homeless and navigating the complexities of the foster care system in New York, Cruz faced abandonment, isolation, and the gnawing uncertainty of his next meal. It was this lived experience that would later ignite a fire within him—a resolve to change lives. Cruz’s mission was clear: fight homelessness in Sarasota and Manatee, where the struggle has intensified over the years.

“I wanted to create something tangible,” Cruz reflects. “A place where compassion meets action. Whenever I am asked about how SOP came about, I feel like people want this to be a feel-good story, tying my not-so-pleasant childhood into this beautiful thing that’s been created. The truth is, I spent most of my childhood and adult life in survival mode with little room to dream. I never forgot feeling alone when I was homeless; I never forgot people not making eye contact when they spoke to me. I remember feeling like I was the only person in the world experiencing what I was going through. Ironically, I suppressed those memories so deeply that I didn’t start to remember them until I began healing, which is when my heart and actions aligned in a way that I had never felt before. Streets of Paradise was born because of that healing.

Cruz’s vision for Streets of Paradise extended beyond mere survival; it embraced dignity, love, and community. The organization’s humble beginnings as an informal weekend outreach soon blossomed into a lifeline for those in need. When the pandemic forced many homeless shelters to close their doors, Cruz and his team stepped up. Armed with compassion and determination, they scoured the region, reaching out to people in need. SOP provided 15,000 meals for 79 consecutive days, ensuring that hunger didn’t compound the crisis. But it didn’t stop there.

“We needed to address immediate needs. Hygiene matters. Dignity matters.” SOP acquired a $52,000 custom trailer to offer mobile showers—a simple yet important way to restore dignity. Cruz and SOP continue to combat homelessness in Sarasota with an array of innovative and compassionate programs. Their response to the COVID-19 pandemic exemplified this, as they ensured that the vulnerable homeless population received meals for over two months straight. Beyond immediate needs, SOP has also been instrumental in longer-term solutions. They have implemented a comprehensive system that not only finds housing for homeless individuals but also supports them in making these places homes. This holistic approach includes providing furniture, essential household items, and ongoing emotional support to help new residents settle in and maintain their new living situations.

The vision of Greg Cruz and SOP doesn’t stop at just providing immediate relief or housing solutions. Cruz, drawing on his personal experiences, has steered the organization towards addressing systemic issues that contribute to homelessness. This includes advocating for affordable housing and challenging discriminatory practices that affect marginalized communities. Under his leadership, SOP has become more than just a service provider; it is a pivotal force for community mobilization and social change. The organization has engaged local businesses, community leaders, and volunteers to inspire a collective effort to address homelessness. But Cruz’s vision extended further. SOP became the go-to organization for those being re-housed. Furniture and household goods transformed empty spaces into homes. “Without furniture,” Cruz explains, “only 15 percent stay in housing.” Each step forward reflects Cruz’s belief in the power of community and his commitment to ensuring no one is left behind on Sarasota’s streets.

SOP’s office, nestled in the Rosemary District, isn’t just an administrative hub. It’s an art gallery called Love-Art-Repeat—a space for community building, fundraising, and operations. The Love-Art-Repeat gallery is a creative initiative of SOP and is designed to be more than a visual showcase. It serves as a vital communal nexus where art intersects with social advocacy. This gallery spotlights the works of local artists, providing them not only a platform for exhibition but also integrating their creations into broader community dialogues and events. Here, art does more than adorn walls—it sparks conversations and actions toward social change.

Under the guidance of Greg Cruz, Love-Art-Repeat has transformed its space into a dynamic venue that hosts a variety of events—from art classes and workshops to community gatherings—all aimed at strengthening community bonds and enhancing the visibility of local talents. These events support Streets of Paradise’s primary mission: to address and alleviate homelessness in Sarasota by involving the community in meaningful ways. The gallery is not just a passive space but an active participant in the cultural and humanitarian upliftment of the community. Its operations and fundraising events are geared towards using art as a tool for social change, reflecting Cruz’s vision of intertwining artistic expression with community service.

“This is about relationships,” Cruz insists. “The physical needs are no more important than love and dignity.”

SOP’s success rests on a foundation of small, private donations and the tireless efforts of volunteers such as Cathy Bryant. “Cathy was part of the magic from the beginning. Serendipitously, our paths crossed in our shared mission, creating an amazing partnership and friendship that has lasted almost a decade,” says Cruz.

Bryant injected fresh energy and perspective into the SOP’s efforts. Her enthusiasm was contagious, drawing in new volunteers and fostering a sense of unity among them. Together, Cruz and Bryant navigated challenges and celebrated successes, buoyed by her unwavering commitment and innovative ideas. Bryant’s expertise in community engagement and her genuine passion for making a difference have been instrumental in shaping the vision for Streets of Paradise. Together with their dedicated team and supporters including Cruz’s children, Brooklyn, Asia, and Nya Cruz, SOP aims to expand its impact by establishing a comprehensive program that not only provides housing but also addresses the underlying issues affecting our community’s most vulnerable individuals.

Cruz, who didn’t draw a salary until recently, remains committed. “We’re leveling the playing field,” he declares. “No one should feel forgotten.” As Sarasota and Manatee grapple with rising housing costs, SOP’s grassroots approach continues to make an impact.

Cruz, reflecting on his journey from hardship to leadership, shares, “My own journey through homelessness and the foster care system gave me a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those on the streets.” This empathy is the cornerstone of SOP’s approach, which is not just about providing services but creating a sense of family and community.

“We see the people we help not just as beneficiaries of our services but as members of our street family.” This philosophy extends to every aspect of SOP’s operations, from food distribution to innovative housing projects. The impact of these efforts is palpable in the community. This ethos is imbued in every interaction—whether SOP volunteers are distributing meals, providing hygiene kits, or helping someone move into their new home, they do so with the care and respect one might offer a family member.

Such a familial approach fosters a sense of belonging and dignity among those served, which is crucial for individuals often marginalized by society. It also encourages a more profound community connection, as those who have been helped often feel a sense of loyalty and gratitude that motivates them to give back to others facing similar challenges. This cycle of support strengthens the community fabric, making it more resilient against the social strains of homelessness. By treating each person as a ‘family member’ rather than a ‘case’ or a ‘client,’ SOP not only changes individual lives but also helps shift societal perceptions about homelessness.

A key element of SOP’s success is its comprehensive support system for those being rehoused. Cruz points out the critical importance of creating a home: “We provide everything needed to turn a new house into a home, including furniture, household goods, and emotional support.” This approach has not only helped individuals and families transition out of homelessness but has also significantly improved their chances of remaining housed.

“We want to expand,” says Cruz. “To reach more hearts, more homes. Anywhere we can help, we’ll be on the front lines. No questions asked. We have always been clear about our ultimate goal, which is a transitional housing therapeutic community with a focus on mental health and substance abuse. We believe that to heal properly, core issues need to be addressed. What better way to accomplish that than in a trauma-informed community setting?”

Greg Cruz and Streets of Paradise remind us that compassion transforms lives when translated into action. As the sun dips below the horizon, SOP’s light continues to shine—an organization of love and unwavering commitment to our community. 

To learn more about Greg Cruz and Streets of Paradise, please visit www.streetsofparadise.org.

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