Fashion & Beauty
Beauty Notes
Need some fine tuning? Spend some time this summer thinking about you! Here are some tips and trends from local health and beauty experts to help you get started.

Does CoolSculpting® really result in fat loss?
Yes! CoolSculpting was invented by two doctors affiliated with Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Precise, controlled cooling is used to freeze and damage fat cells beyond repair. As with any cell turnover, the lymphatic system flushes the dead fat cells from your body over the next three to four months, reducing your total number of fat cells. CoolSculpting was first FDA approved in 2010, and since that time, more than eight million treatments have been performed globally. CoolSculpting is the world’s #1 non-invasive body contouring procedure because the results are proven and permanent.
What should I look for when choosing a CoolSculpting provider?
There are several important factors to consider, as CoolSculpting is both an art and a science. The technology works, but it is as important to have a provider who specializes in CoolSculpting and is an expert at proper applicator placement. Spa Founder Lori Bailey says she wanted The Contour Day Spa to be dedicated to CoolSculpting because she loves the technology and knew that being dedicated to this treatment will give her clients the most desirable results. At Contour, you get a team of certified technicians with advanced training from CoolSculpting® University. Lori and Wendy Rose apply their combined expertise when creating personalized plans and providing treatment. Patients say they chose Contour after visiting other providers because of the careful evaluation and personalized attention they received. Lori is the only CoolSculpting provider in Florida that offers a guarantee, because she wants clients to be confident when they make the decision to invest in themselves.
How do I know if I’m a candidate for CoolSculpting?
It starts with a consultation to evaluate the area(s) of your body where there is unwanted fat that might be resistant to diet and exercise. Lori & Wendy conduct a hands-on examination to make sure it’s pinchable, pliable tissue, but they will also be completely honest if CoolSculpting isn’t right for you. The team will determine how best to treat the entire area and recommend one or more treatments to achieve your desired results. Patients at Contour vary in age, weight and body type. While CoolSculpting is fat loss, not weight loss, many of their clients come in to jump start a healthy new lifestyle. Others are looking for help with the stubborn pockets of fat that wouldn’t budge during their fitness journey. When you lose fat cells through CoolSculpting, the results are natural looking and gradual. Lori says her sole goal is to help people transform their body, gain confidence and feel comfortable in their own skin.

Lori Bailey, RN
Lori Bailey opened The Contour Day Spa after a nearly 30-year career as a labor and delivery nurse. Her lifelong commitment to exceptional standards and superior patient care is evident throughout the Contour experience, but the environment is far from clinical. Every aspect of the space was thoughtfully designed to ensure an excellent patient experience.
The Contour Day Spa
405 Commercial Ct., Suite A
Venice, FL 34292
Permanent Makeup

What’s the difference between Hybrid Hair Stroke Eyebrows and Micro blading?
Hair stroke eyebrows require the use of a state-of-the-art permanent makeup machine to create natural single needle hair strokes. Using such advanced technology allows for a more accurate deposit of the pigment into the dermis by regulating the tension of your tissue on the needle and giving each hair stroke more staying power. Micro blading is done by using a hand-held tool that holds a grouping of ultra fine needles to create a multiple hair stroke eyebrow look. Pigments are implemented with variation of pressure and dexterity.
Hybrid eyebrows are my most sought out eyebrow procedure. This is a combination of using both my permanent makeup machine and hand tool to give your eyebrows a dimension for a more natural look.
How long does it last?
This hot and humid Florida climate makes it almost impossible to keep your makeup looking fresh and smudge-free. Many women have found that even though permanent makeup is more semi-permanent than permanent, it is a welcome alternative to the time and effort that it takes to put on makeup everyday. Unlike tattoo ink that lasts forever, permanent makeup artists use pigments specially designed to have a soft cosmetic look that sheds out of the skin over time. Facial permanent makeup lasts anywhere from eight months to 1.5 years before you need a color boost, depending on how your care for them. Our skin typically sheds every 28-35 days depending on your age. How much time you spend in the sun and how many chemicals your facial art comes in contact with makes a difference as well. Salt water and chlorine in pools, as well as facial products with chemicals can alter the color dramatically. Some clients prefer to do a powdery stardust eyebrow look which typically lasts a few months longer than any of the hair stroke methods.
What will I learn at the consultation?
When clients come in for their consultation I review their lifestyle, diet, and condition of their skin. All of these will play a critical role in their final result. With consideration of their natural hair patterning and loss, we work together to create a proper shape, color and symmetry so they can see what they could look like to make an educated decision on whether they wish to proceed. As one of the few areola/nipple restoration artists in the area I offer complimentary consults for cancer patients and survivors. Many skin disorders arise from chemotherapy and radiation so some may choose to indulge in one of our nourishing facial as to prepare the skin for the permanent makeup procedure.
Mary McAndrews

Since the opening of Lasting Looks of Sarasota in 2001, Mary has been passionately working as a certified permanent makeup artist for close to 20 years. Her background as a licensed oncology esthetician has been critical in assessing skin before each permanent makeup procedure. It’s important to understand the anatomy and physiology of the skin and recognize skin disorders before proceeding with any procedure. Mary’s restorative permanent makeup approach has allowed her to repair what aging, hormonal imbalances, and cancer treatments may have taken away.
Lasting Looks of Sarasota
3300 S Tamiami Tr., Suite #6
Sarasota, Florida 34239

What is dermalinfusion diamond technology using the Diamond Glow?
It is the simultaneous action of skin exfoliation and infusion of condition specific serums.
The diamond glow machine by Allergan, the makers of Botox, is a three-in-one technology using a closed vacuum chamber loop. It exfoliates using a precise diamond tip which helps remove dry damaged skin. Extraction using a high powered suction deep cleanses the skin surface and pores while infusing targeted serums to the dermal epidermal junction. This is done all in one pass. The ability to infuse therapeutic serums down to the dermal epidermal junction rather than just the epidermis is one of the benefits that sets the Diamond Glow apart from any other machine on the market.
Diamond glow is non-invasive and can treat the face, around the eye area, lips and body. Targeted serums are used for ultimate hydration, vitamin C for sun damage, hyper pigmentation, and acne. The Diamond Glow can be used more aggressively to treat acne scarring and stretch marks as well.
The treatment is comfortable and takes approximately one hour or less per area. Post treatment, skin appears brighter, fresher, healthier, smoother, clearer, with unclogged pores, and more even tone. And beyond the treatment, improved appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, roughness and dryness, dark spots, skin coloration, and dull, congested skin. Special pricing is available on this treatment through September 15th at Inner Circle Spa.
How does the Diamond Glow machine and dermalinfusion work?
Three processes must occur simultaneously to achieve Dermalinfusion. As the handpiece makes contact with skin, a closed loop vacuum is created. Air is removed from the device, tubes and handpiece. The handpiece glides over the skin and the diamond tip removes the Stratum Corneum. The abraded Stratum Corneum allows for penetration of pro-infusion serums. At the same time that the Stratum Corneum is being abraded, the vacuum is also pulling pro-infusion serums into the handpiece from the device. As the serums travel from the device through the tubing and into the handpiece, they gain speed and strike the skin with positive force, where they penetrate into the epidermis.
Alison Pollack

Alison Pollack, owner of the Inner Circle Spa, has been a licensed esthetician and professional makeup artist for over 34 years. She is also a Holy Fire 3 Karuna Reiki Master. Alison was formerly a skincare account executive in the state of Florida and was responsible for education and training of new estheticians and makeup artists in the field.
The Inner Circle Spa
4141 S Tamiami Tr., Suite 12
Sarasota, Florida 34239
Plastic Surgery

Should I lose weight before plastic surgery?
The simple answer is no. However, if you were already on a weight loss program, and its working, then continue. A last-minute “fad diet” is of no use if you are not or cannot maintain it.
I believe most people have a basic weight range that they “live” at. I feel that my talent as a plastic surgeon is to work with realistic body shapes and consider a patient’s overall health and attitude (not size or age). If you are looking at a breast lift or abdominoplasty, then getting within 20% of a realistic weight is reasonable; losing or gaining a few pounds after such surgery is unlikely to “ruin” the overall results.
If I had my choice, I would prefer a patient to have a few extra pounds…rather than be underweight. This gives me tissue/fat to work with (rearrange).
Should i exercise before my plastic surgery?
The simple answer here is yes. I always recommend patients establish some type of (realistic) exercise routine for general health and emotional well-being. I certainly do not expect stronger muscles to tighten skin; excess skin needs to be removed surgically. However, well developed muscles create a shapely volume over which I can drape the skin. When someone has lost a significant amount of weight, and presents for an arm or thigh lift, I consider it a “lateral move” to go from excess skin to shapeless, stick-like extremities. Muscle behind the skin is what gives the pleasing shape.
I also find that all too often the guilt some have (because they are “treating” themselves to plastic surgery) can be lessened if routine exercise has not resulted in the desired body shape.
Alissa Shulman, M.D., F.A.C.S

Dr. Shulman was named Physician of the Year for 2016 at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. She is currently Chief of Staff at Sarasota Memorial Hospital and the President of the Florida Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Sovereign Plastic Surgery
Medical Arts Building
1950 Arlington St., Suite 112
Sarasota, Florida 34239

What are injectable wrinkle reducers and how do they work?
Injectable wrinkle treatments can be used to temporarily reduce the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles, most commonly in the forehead, frown lines and smile lines. Once injected into the treatment area, they work to temporarily block the contracted muscles, which causes the muscle activity to decrease therefore smoothing the skin. Many of my patients also love the “brow lift” effect that can occur following their treatment. Today, there are four FDA approved injectable wrinkle reducers including Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeaveau.
What is the right age to get injectable wrinkle reducers?
Being a candidate for wrinkle reducers is dependent on both age and the severity of wrinkles. If you are 18 years or older and are noticing wrinkles on your face, you may be a candidate. Many patients start in their 20s and 30s to prevent these wrinkles when they are in their 40s and 50s.
How do dermal fillers work and are they right for me?
Injectable fillers are made from a range of different substances, but the primary ingredient in most injectable fillers is hyaluronic acid. This helps to create soft, gel-like fillers which can be injected under the skin to give cheek hollows, lips, and deep facial wrinkles a plumping boost. My favorite areas to inject are the cheeks and lips! Injecting the cheeks not only gives volume to the midface, but can also lift the lower face and give support to the under eye area. If you are concerned about a loss of facial volume or deepening facial lines, injectable dermal fillers can be a treatment option. The amount of filler needed varies based on the amount of volume loss and the look that we are trying to achieve. I am very conservative and don’t want anyone leaving with an “overdone” or “overfilled” look.
Who can administer an injectable wrinkle reducers and fillers?
You should only receive your injectable treatments from a licensed provider. In the state of Florida, only physicians, physician assistants, and advanced registered nurse practitioners may perform aesthetic injections. Do your research! Ask yourself Is this person qualified? Do they have experience? Do they know how to handle complications? I’m a Physician Assistant and certified Master Injector with over ten years experience in aesthetic medicine. I love helping people look and feel their best!
Susan Lynch, MMS, PA-C

Susan Lynch has been practicing medicine for 14 years and has devoted the last 11 years to aesthetic medicine. She is the founder and master injector at Sarasota Premier Aesthetics and has trained with some of the country’s top aesthetic injectors. Her passion is helping her patients feel more beautiful and confident thru nonsurgical procedures.
Sarasota Premier Aesthetics
5580 Broadcast Ct.
Sarasota, FL 34240

What is AGING?
Defining the aging face seems deceptively simple yet its true manifestations elude the best of us because we hang on to oversimplified, one dimensional catch phrases of wrinkles and volume loss. Our faces are constructed with a deep bony skeleton and interwoven mesh of various types of soft tissue (fat, muscle, fascia and skin) all of which are tethered to the bone by cutaneous ligaments. Youth is defined by the shape and volume distribution of the face, the ideal being more fullness in the upper cheeks, hollows in the lower cheeks and a crisp jawline. With aging, the soft tissue falls, especially fat, reversing this facial proportion. As the volume falls, it creates the perceived volume loss of the upper face, and the bunching of this tissue around the mouth creates laugh lines and accordions the lips filling them with wrinkles.
Consequently, techniques of filling the upper cheek hollows, laugh lines, and lips just distort and mask this altered shape into a cherub-like, ageless, shapeless face. Is this one size fits all solution the answer?
What is the solution?
If one subscribes to the one dimensional analysis, we just pull and plump. However, in studying the unique subtle changes the solution itself presents, the question is why not just move the fallen volume back? Hmmm.
Science purports tremendous innovative progress with shiny expensive energy machines and eloquently named products that just hollow out the areas that need fullness and overly plump others. Look around you—do you like what you see? We seem to have become slaves to a system of simple solutions for a quick buck. We should not be selling the idea of beauty with smoke and mirrors; we should be creating it.
I start with a detailed analysis of the face and old photos to diagnose the problem. I don’t just chase the wrinkles and the hollows. The rare Deep Plane Facelift truly helps restore the aging face by lifting the volume back. It doesn’t mask its limitations by overfilling or overstretching. It creates harmonious youthful proportions that appear unmistakably two decades younger without corrupting the essence of beauty. The proof is in the results.
To realize our dreams is to face reality, embrace vanity, and ignore hype. Choose wisely and enjoy life!
Sumeet Bhanot, M.D.

Dr. Sumeet Bhanot is a Yale-trained double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has been named among Castle Connolly’s Top Doctors for the last nine consecutive years. He has been bringing his unique blend of art, beauty and science to patients in the Sarasota area for almost two decades.
Bhanot Facial Plastic Surgery
2038 Bee Ridge Rd.
Sarasota, FL 34239
Hair Loss

My hair is shedding a lot. What can I do?
One of the most common complaints I hear today, especially with female patients, is I’m “losing my hair in handfuls”. Because of the enormous psychological stress we are all under today with COVID-19, undoubtedly many will experience excessive shedding of hair or the medical term, Telogen Effluvium (TE). The most common cause of TE is psychological stress, fevers, and illness. Although, major diet changes, medications, scalp diseases, heavy metals, and immunizations are among other common causes.
Fortunately, this form of shedding and hair volume loss is not permanent, and generally reverses, but is quite distressing. Increased shedding is acute, or sudden onset, less than 6 months, while chronic shedding is longer than 6 months.
Infusing high doses of your own proteins in PRP/CRP/Matrix can help slow down the shedding process and jump-start the return to normal hair cycling safely. This fertilization of the hair and scalp is just one of the many ways we can restore the quality and character to your hair safely, without side effects. So, stay safe at this difficult time and when the timing is right, we will restore your hair!
Can my hair be strengthened, thickened and repaired?
A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. The shape of the growth factor is of key importance. Its shape allows it to lock into a receptor on the surface of the cell and cause the cell to grow and divide. Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF) is not only correct in structure, but also in shape, ensuring that the growth factor to receptor connection at the follicle is true and the cell growth signals are received.
KGF is an all-natural, effective serum for thickening, lengthening, strengthening and repairing hair. This treatment is also used for eyebrows, eyelashes and beard enhancement. An in-depth consultation is the best way to evaluate; however, we also offer a remote consultation package to determine your treatment plan.
Joseph Greco, PhD, PA/C

The Greco family has been at the forefront of hair restoration for 60 years. Joseph Greco PhD, PA/C of Greco Medical Group has honored that tradition by continuing to pioneer and validate surgical and nonsurgical innovations. Dr. Greco has stayed on the leading edge of advanced cellular therapies to offer biologic treatments along with medical and surgical hair restoration solutions for women and men.
Greco Medical Group
1990 Main St., Suite 700
Sarasota, FL 34236
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