People & Business

Applications Available for Alliance Member Exhibits

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Exhibition at the Alliance Gallery in the Center for Arts & Humanity

• exhibit space is provided for 1-month at no cost to the artist
• the Alliance will publicize the exhibit
• the Alliance will co-host a wine and cheese reception during the opening week
• there will be six exhibits during the September 2019 through May 2020 season
• applications will be accepted between May 1 and June 30, 2019
• the Alliance requests a 10% of sale proceeds donation

Terms and Conditions
• artists must be members of the Alliance ($50 per year)
• artists must not have exhibited in the Alliance Gallery in the past season
• artists must complete the Alliance’s online Exhibit Application Form
• artists will be chosen by a jury process based on submitted jpeg samples; artist identities will not be revealed to the jury
• only 2-D art can be exhibited
• artists must accept the Gallery’s hanging limitations
• artists must accept the Alliance’s “Agreement for an Art Exhibit”
• artists may have to share exhibit space with other juried artists

Exhibit application (Click here)
Application accepted May 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019

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