People & Business

ELC Receives $50,000 Grant from Bishop-Parker Foundation

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August 21, 2024 | Palmetto

The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County (ELC) is proud to announce it has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Bishop-Parker Foundation to support the Spot On Program for the second consecutive year. This generous funding will continue to enhance the program’s efforts in improving communication, self-regulation, and functional life skills in young children, ensuring that developmental delays do not hinder their early learning experiences.

Spot On Program: Fostering Essential Skills for Early Learning

The Spot On Program focuses on three critical areas: communication, self-regulation, and functional life skills. By targeting these areas, the program provides young children with the necessary tools to succeed in their early education and beyond.

Communication: Teaching communication skills enables children to effectively express their wants and needs to caregivers and peers. When children can share their ideas, teachers can create learning opportunities that cater to their interests, making school more engaging and enjoyable.
Self-Regulation: Self-regulation skills help children identify and appropriately express their emotions, reducing instances of undesired behaviors like tantrums. A well-regulated child contributes to a calmer learning environment, allowing all children to focus better and learn more effectively.
Functional Life Skills: Functional life skills include essential tasks such as hand washing, opening containers, putting on shoes, and holding a crayon. Developing these skills fosters age-appropriate independence, which is crucial for all stages of learning.

Bridging Gaps in Early Education

The primary goal of early education is to ensure all children are ready for kindergarten. The Spot On Program addresses this by providing support to children who have not yet reached expected developmental milestones or behavioral targets. Typically, therapy services are not available within child care centers, requiring families to take their children to external therapy sessions, which can be disruptive and challenging to manage.

The Spot On Program overcomes this barrier by coordinating Occupational and Speech and Language therapy services directly at child care centers. This approach unifies therapists, teachers, and families to support children’s growth both at school and at home. Spot On therapists provide weekly professional development sessions at participating child care centers, equipping preschool professionals and families with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to foster children’s independence and enhance their social and communication abilities.

Voices from the Community

Darrell King, ELC Chief Executive Officer, expressed his gratitude, stating, “We are extremely grateful to the Bishop-Parker Foundation for their significant investment in the Spot On program. The Bishop-Parker Foundation continues to improve our community, and we are thrilled they have once again selected Spot On.”

Child care center directors have also praised the program, highlighting its positive impact: “The collaboration between teacher and therapist is priceless.” “The children are talking more!” “I now take different steps to help children get through their emotions.”

Empowering Young Learners

The Spot On Program ensures that even after therapy sessions conclude, caregivers are equipped with the competencies necessary to continue supporting children’s skill growth. This empowers young children to reach their fullest potential and pursue their academic dreams with confidence.

With the continued support of the Bishop-Parker Foundation, the ELC’s Spot On Program will keep making a significant difference in the lives of children and families in Manatee County, paving the way for a brighter future for all.

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