Arts & Culture

Meet the Artist: Stephen Balut

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April 2024—Stephen Balut is not only the Studio Director for MHK Architecture in downtown Sarasota, but he’s also an avid painter. 

“My paintings are about beauty, complexity, mystery and scalelessness. They most often beckon the ethereal and atmospheric qualities of infinity. Celestial vibrations of color created with paint and thread. First I paint the canvas, then I wrap the canvas with as many as 50 layers of thread, string, yarn, wire and/or monofilament, says Balut. 

Each layer has a unique color, materiality and sheen that reflects light differently depending on its depth and contrast or resonance with the paint behind. Viewed perpendicular to the piece the paint typically dominates the reflected light and combines with the thread to create a deep and rich composition. Thread shadows on the canvas and recessive layers of thread contribute to the depth and complexity. 

Viewed at an angle the paint is subdued, the reflection of light from the threads dominate and the uppermost layers create a lenticular, fuzzy glow. The pieces resonate with simplicity and a faint reckoning of our place in the firmament. “A beautiful moment, somewhere.” 

View more of Balut’s work at State of The Arts Gallery in downtown Sarasota, among the gallery’s wide range of beautiful work by many talented local artists.

Visit for more information.

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