People & Business

The Bay Recognized By the Florida Public Relations Association at the Annual, Statewide Golden Image Awards

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SARASOTA, Fla. – September 1, 2020 – ATLARGE, an award-winning communications firm located in Sarasota, was recognized at the Golden Image Awards for its recent work on The Bay. Held every year by the Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA), the Golden Image Awards recognizes PR professionals, as well as the best practices and campaigns in public relations and communications across Florida.  

At the statewide event, ATLARGE was honored with an Award of Distinction for the public affairs campaign it developed for The Bay and an Award of Distinction for “Ask The Bay,” an online audience engagement web series. “The Bay” consists of 53-acres of city-owned land along Sarasota Bay that will be developed into an iconic public park and completed in five or more phases over a 10-15-year period.

“From the beginning, our close partnership with ATLARGE has enabled the creation of a unique, distinctive brand for The Bay that has generated high levels of awareness and community engagement,” said AG Lafley, Founding CEO, The Bay Park Conservancy.  “In addition, with ATLARGE’s help, we’ve successfully executed a content strategy that includes a broad mix of engaging topics communicated through surveys, various visuals, video, social media, email and the website. This has helped us reach thousands of people within our community on a daily and weekly basis, ultimately helping us create a public park that truly reflects our broad and diverse community.”

Over the past year, ATLARGE worked with The Bay Park Conservancy, the non-profit organization that is overseeing the implementation of the park’s master plan, to develop and execute a multi-faceted communications campaign with the goal of educating and informing the broader community about The Bay project. This campaign, along with various community workshops and outreach initiatives, ultimately helped generate broad public support for The Bay’s phase one implementation plan, which is currently underway and in progress.

Once complete, The Bay will be the first signature park in the city’s history and will be the only major amenity in Sarasota that will be open, accessible, free and welcoming to everyone in the community. Ultimately, The Bay will be part of a long-term master plan for the Sarasota Bayfront area that will establish a cultural and economic legacy for the region, while ensuring open, public access to the Bayfront.

For more information about The Bay visit, or to learn more about ATLARGE and its services, visit

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