People & Business

Venice Theatre Reopening Task Force Announces Guidelines

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(Venice, FL) Soon after March 13, when Venice Theatre closed due to COVID-19 concerns, the organization put together a task force (members listed below) to determine what precautions the theatre would need to take upon reopening. Although the theatre remains closed at this point, the reopening task force has completed its recommendations which were approved by the theatre’s board of directors last week. Venice Theatre’s Producing Executive Director Murray Chase says, “We look forward to when we are able to return to experiencing the joy of live theatre together. However, the safety of our audiences, staff, and volunteers is utmost in determining exactly when to reopen. Our benchmarks for reopening safely are two weeks of continued decrease in local COVID-19 cases and a positivity rate of 3-4%.”

Following is a summary of the guidelines the theatre will follow when returning to live performance. A full copy is available for download at the end of this release.

TESTING: Staff and contract workers must be tested for COVID-19 every two weeks until further notice.

VOLUNTEER/STAFF/STUDENT ENTRY: Everyone gets a temperature check. Everyone answers a series of COVID-related questions upon entry.

VOLUNTEER/STAFF/STUDENTS WHILE IN BUILDING: Mask-wearing is mandatory in all public spaces and when not alone in offices. All must wash hands frequently and maintain proper distancing. Greenroom use is limited to brief meal consumption only, with a maximum of four people at a time. Office hours will be staggered for multiple-employee offices.

AUDIENCES: Showtimes will be staggered for each theatre space as will lobby entry times. We will use reservations, but no tickets. All seats in both theatres will be reserved. Audiences will also be temperature-checked and answer brief questionnaire. Each group will be ushered directly to seats after entry. Restroom usage will be monitored: three at a time per ladies’ room, two at a time per men’s room. There will be no post-show meet-and-greet for the immediate future. Playbills will be digital-only for 1st phase; hard copies will be distributed in 2nd phase.

FRONT OF HOUSE: Staff will operate as Front-of-House staff through the first two phases of reopening. Bar will operate as follows: It will be closed for 1st phase of reopening. It will feature closed-lid drinks only for 2nd phase. Phase 3 will be fully operational. The Presidents Club will be closed for first phase of reopening, but open with limited service for Phase 2.
BOX OFFICE (upon reopening) will operate by phone and internet only until further notice.

STUDENTS/CLASSES: The same entry and use protocols will apply. No visitors will be allowed. Restroom use will be staggered.

SANITIZATION: Extra cleanings will occur throughout the day—hard surfaces, restrooms, etc.– and between the use of each theatre and rehearsal space. Hand sanitizer stations will be positioned liberally throughout the building and at each audience entrance/exit.

SIGNAGE: Prominent professional signage and floor markings will help all audience and personnel follow protocols.

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