People & Business

Booker VPA Kaleidoscope of Creativity Program Awards $16,000 in Scholarships

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Last year’s Kaleidoscope of Creativity fundraiser generated scholarship revenue that enabled some of Booker VPA students the opportunity to attend prestigious and meaningful summer intensive programs. Back
to school now, with a renewed vigor for their craft instilled by these summer experiences, these artists feel readier than ever to commit themselves to the pursuit of the arts. 

The Scholarship recipients and the various programs they attended:

Christina Brush
Broadway Artists Alliance, NYC

Jatavian Peterson
Broadway Artists Alliance, NYC

Colin Leonard
New York University, NYC

Lucy Lawrence
Broadway Artists Alliance, NYC

Lauren Reasoner
Florida State University and UNCSA

Matthew Abolafia
Ringling College of Art + Design

Emma Katz
Florida State University, Tallahassee

Emma Johnson
Actor Therapy, NYC

Sophia Coscia
New York University, NYC

Danny Bo Delongaig
Broadway Artists Alliance, NYC

Paige Dooley
Ringling College of Art + Design

Emma Johnson
Actor Therapy, NYC


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